كريم مرطب وموازن للدهنية البشرة ، للبشرة الدهنية والمختلطة المعرضة للحبوب . يعمل على حماية المسام من التراكمات الدهنية . يحتوي على الزنك والساليسلك اسيد.
يخفف الالتهابات في البشرة ونمو البكتيريا .
سريع الامتصاص ويعطي مظهر غير لامع للبشرة
يستخدم صباحا ومساء
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Balancing Cream I from our Oily SK line is a purifying cream for oily, combination and/or acne-prone skin.
Formulated with gentle natural active ingredients, this cream has proven its efficacy where many others have failed, and is even used professionally as part of intensive acne treatments.
Its formula is also especially rich in active ingredients known for their powerful effect on oily skin, such as zinc PCA, salicylic acid, propanediol, Enantia chlorantha and oleanolic acid.
This combination of ingredients regulates sebum production, normalises cell keratinisation, controls bacterial flora and reduces inflammation, offering an effective solution for unbalanced oily skin.
This purifying cream acts by hydrating, soothing and balancing oily skin, while reducing discomfort such as itching, redness and inflammation, mattifying the skin and restoring a radiant (not shiny), even complexion.
Furthermore, this non-greasy, non-comedogenic product has a light texture for easy application and fast absorption, which prevents the appearance of shine.