جل موضعي على اماكن الحبوب فقط. يعمل على تطهيرها ومعالجتها بوتيرة اسرع مع حماية الجلد من الضرر.
يحتوي على الساليسيلك اسيد. ماليك اسيد والزنك
Specific Solution is a spot treatment gel that targets the blemishes typical of oily, combination and especially acne-prone skin.
The product is part of our Oily SK line, a comprehensive range created to provide a definitive solution to the needs of acne-prone or excessively oily skin.
Thus, while the line is designed to keep the skin in an optimal, healthy and perfectly balanced condition without excess oil or inflammation, Specific Solution acts intensively on blackheads and pimples by disinfecting, soothing and helping them clear up more quickly, without damaging the skin.
This blemish prevention and treatment gel is formulated with active ingredients such as malic acid, salicylic acid, chlorhexidine digluconate and zinc PCA, all of which are widely used to treat this skin type, and also boost each other’s effects for maximum efficacy.